Thursday, December 10, 2009

How should i wash my ballet tights?

I was gonna put them in the washer but i'm afriad it will rip.So what is the right way?

How should i wash my ballet tights?sunshine

Hand wash them with cold water in the sink with a light detergent. Good thing you didn't put them in the washer, they would have been destroyed.

How should i wash my ballet tights?star theater opera theater

cold water in the sink and hang dry.
It depends on how long you want them to last and what you can be bothered doing lol. I personally just chuck them in the wash with all of my other clothes because I have special tights just for performances. They don't rip in the wash.

But if you would like to take care of them a bit more then follow what other users have said :)

Hope this helps ;]
I throw mine in the wash with my regular stuff, but I used to hand-wash my tights. These haven't ripped or had runs any more often than the ones I hand-washed.
I always wash them with Woolite on a gentle cycle and with warm, not hot, water. The hot temperature seems to be more destructive than rough physical treatment. Don't mix colors. They absorb their neighbors' tints.
It depends on what type the tights are but i wash mine by putting the tights in a washing net and throwing it into the washer!
ive got a couple pairs of tights- some for practice and some for performance.

My studio requires that we have a certain [nasty] kind of Danskin tights for performances that dont do well in the washer. I quickly handwash them and hang them dry.

For my microfiber and bodwrappers, capezio, etc, I just stick em in the washer with my other clothes. But i still hang them dry. The only problem is fading, thats why they are just my practice tights, though.

That seems to work for me! Most of my tights last over a year.:)
Im a dancer and a really simple way to do it (and not ruin your tights) is to buy one of those washing machine bags (you can buy them in most shops that sell bras) and put your tights in one of them with the rest of your stuff when you put it in the washing machine.

Just throw them in the washer, dance tights last forever. You may want to hang them to dry though
i put mine in the washing and drying machine???

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