Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is it 2 old 2 start ballet at 16 going on 17, even if u r flexible?

never too late

Is it 2 old 2 start ballet at 16 going on 17, even if u r flexible?comedy show

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Is it 2 old 2 start ballet at 16 going on 17, even if u r flexible?greek theater opera theater

No, it might be a little harder than if you started at a younger age, but you agould do just fine.
Anyone can enjoy ballet at any age. BUT, as a beginner, your first classes may be with much younger dancers, unless you pay for private lessons.

It is unlikely that you would be ready for pointe (toe) shoes for a few years, as your legs and feet need to develop strength and structure. Many young dancers never develop enough foot and ankle strength to dance 'en pointe', and choose different avenues of dance to enjoy. Modern, jazz, lyrical, etc. all offer opportunities to dance using the fundimentals of dance, without the additional specific requirements of ballet.
Oh god no! You can start any kind of dance, whenever you want. You may not be a professional, but that depends on how dedicated and talented you are. If you aren't flexible, I would suggest stretching right and left splits as much as you can, but at least twice a day. Also, stretch your middle or stradle spilts. Since you want to start ballet you will need strong ankles. I would suggest you do a lot of releves. These are just a simple dance exercise where you go up on the balls of your feet, then back down. Do these on stairs or anything elevated 30 times, then put on foot behind the other's ankle and do 30 more on both feet.

Go to for lots of dance stuff and accessories. I am getting a new thermaband this year. These are exercise bands that you can buy at most sports stores to stretch your arch (An arch is very much needed in ballet and pointe. It is the half-circle looking thing under your foot when you point). Hope I helped, and happy dancing!
a wise women once said "you're never too old to learn something new"
i know a 20 yearold person doing ballet! never to old!
I think if you want to dance because you enjoy it, have fun, but, if you are trying to become pro you will need to find a ballet studio that is very serious and you will basicly have to take very hard classes daily. I don't know your life goals though. Happy Dancing! ;)
It depends what you want. It's not too late if you want to do ballet for fun.

If you're a guy, you still have a chance of a professional career.

If you're a girl, it's almost certainly too late to make a career out of it.
its never too late
its never too late. i didnt start till i was 14

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