Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is it okay to wear white ballet flats in the winter?

i bought new ones but i don't know if it's like a bad fashion rule for winter.

Is it okay to wear white ballet flats in the winter?binoculars depends, the rule is "no white shoes after labor day" but its not very well followed anymore, so its socially acceptable to wear white shoes.

Is it okay to wear white ballet flats in the winter?violin opera theater

yeah your feet might get cold though
Yea if you want your feet to get wet, and snowy

whatever floats your boat.....or sinks your caneo
of course you can wear them i just bought pair of ballet flats also and i were them all the time
hekkk no gurl! GO FOR IT!
no its not really a rule it jus depends on whare you live and wut your wearing it with. for exapmle if theres alot of snow whare you live than it might be best for you not to wear it or at least wear it with leggings

well of course...u should definalty go for it.... most ppl don't wear white in the winter cauz it is easy to b dirty but i adore white and xpecially in teh winter.... it looks sooo super cute

i have ballet flats to and they look a-door-and -a-ball ( a-dor-a-bal) in the snow... it makes me feel like a winter snow angel...... i tend to wear my white ones to teh mall and my gold ones on the street cauz the gold ones r cuter with my clothing.......

wat-ever u do don't go Tommy Lee on us and wear socks with flats or any kinda a sandals cauz it is a definate violation of FASHION!!!!!!!!! remember nawt even slip on nude socks cauz b-lieve me every1 will still notice!!!!!!!!!!

Stay Gorgeous,


BTW ? did u get yr flats?????? post a pic!!!!!!! oh and remember nawt to wear whits after Labour Day

in my opinion, NO! White boots, different story. White flats, trashy for the winter.
no you shouldn't!!b/c your not suppose to wear white shoes white pants white coats or white accesories after labor day thats untill spring of course!!

i wear mine with socks cause im cool ;) lol
I think it'd be totally ok to wear them in the winter, just ignore those rules about not wearing whatever in whatever season, like not wearing white after Labor Day.
As long as you're not outdoors much or in snow they'd be fine...when it comes to fashion though...go ahead as long as they look good with whatever you're wearing.Most of the stuff I see out considered "fashionable" here lately looks stupid beyond reason.
Cream is a winter color, not white. It is best to wear white from Mother's day to Labor day, not after.
i would prefer black in the winter and save those for spring but no one is gonna notice or care if your shoes are white in the winter so go for it!
Definitely not! Some people try to claim the old rules don't apply, but I still think it looks silly to see white shoes in the winter.

That being said there are other choices like "winter white", "ivory" and "cream" that are all acceptable in the winter. It is just the stark true white that you want to avoid. ;-)
yes i always do if i have a long pair of pants and a top that still has summer but keeps you warm the rule i live by is warm but cute W.B.C SO live by the rule don't worry about the rule about white after labor day it's still befor the next labore day (it's easy to get out of these rules because fashoin you don't have to put much time into is what most peole do)
NO!!!!!! no white after labor day!!
no can wear white in the winter but ballet flats are a little too cold for this weather now..they can also go with summer wear great.. .you picked a good pair of shoes jus the right color to be worn any season..

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