Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mom is making me do ballet but I don't want to. If I tell her I don't want to she will get

My first day is today July 10th.

Mom is making me do ballet but I don't want to. If I tell her I don't want to she will get really upset. Whatoper

Sit down and talk to her, be ready to compromise. Ask her why she wants you to dance. If it is for fitness, offer to do a different physical activity, such as swimming, skating, or marshal arts, what ever interests you the most. If it is because she thinks you would really like it, say you would be willing to try it for a month and then if you really don't like it then maybe you can try something else. If it is because she wants you to be a world famous ballerina, tell her what you want to be and ask for her help in achieving it. I think your mom would be more upset in the long run knowing you are unhappy doing it, than she would be hearing you want to do something else. Just be mature, not accusing. Start off with something like "Mom, I know you really want me in ballet, but I'm not really interested in dancing. Are you wanting me in it for the exercise? Could I do (something else physical) instead?"

She is going to be much more likely to let you do something else than to let you do nothing, so figure out what you would like to do and ask. If she is wanting you to do something just so you don't have a lot of time to do nothing ask about an art, writing, or photography class, or music lessons. Whatever interests you.

Mom is making me do ballet but I don't want to. If I tell her I don't want to she will get really upset. Whathollywood theater opera theater

u just ahve to tell her in the nicest possible way and say it aint right for you

then say something tht you are interested in like

piano lessons

or singing lessons


gd luck
i think you should tell her the truth in a nice way not like "mom i hate ballet!!" but ask her is u could do different lessons that you like and that she would approve not make her make you take another lesson you dont like or then u just did it all over again.

Best of Luck,

xoxo Zoe
Tell her anyway, but don't do it in an angry or upset way. Rather be friendly and sincere.

Why does your mom want you to do ballet? Maybe she just wants you to have a good hobby. Then you might have a suggestion on your own?

An other thought is to take the first class and give it a sincere try. Then you could say your mom that you have tried and that you really know now you don't like it. This you can't do, if your mom will have to pay for the whole semester before first class, obviously.

My sister used to play violin and had some talent, but because our mom was too ambitious about her she forced her to practice even when she did not want to. She hated it, and quit soon. Forcing your children do things will not get things further.
tell her the truth once and tolerate the disadvantages just once, instead ofbothering yourself for a long long period.

anyway she should and will understand that you are not obliged to like anything she likes

trust her and waste time on this attitude
Why not try a few classes and see how it goes? Thinking about a thing, and actually doing it, are worlds apart. Whatever it is you're dreading may turn out to be a big nothing.

Could you make a compromise with your mother, maybe by taking a different type of dance class (jazz, modern, tap), or taking music lessons? What do *you* want to do?

If you're open to changing your mind about ballet, watch the movie, 'The Turning Point' with Mikhail Baryshnikov, Anne Bancroft, and Shirley MacLaine, even if you watch just the last 20 or 25 minutes.
my mom made my sister take ballet when we were younger cause I wanted to dance and she didin't want to drop me off and leave me by myself, she kicked and screamed at first, now almost 20 years later........ she's grown and now pays for her own lessons! She's now a teacher of ballet too! Don't worry give it some time, you just may like it. And in the end if you do not at least you got a chance to experience something new
I love ballet and I think that it's a great foundation to any other dance form you want to take. At the same time, if you hate it then you won't gain anything from it.

If she's forcing you to take it there is probably some underlying reason. Either she wanted to be a ballerina or wants you to do some hobby if you don't already have one.

Ask her why she wants you to dance. If it's a good reason maybe you should try it out. I think ballet is great and if you get good you may like it a little more.

Good Luck
How about you stand up for yourself and stop doing what you mother makes you, unless its important. But if ballet makes you upset, there needs to be an end to that. Just skip it every time you have it it you must go there.

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